Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic
19/12/2018 | 06:11 AM

The Public Health Authority is a budgetary organization of the state with competence on the territory of the Slovak Republic with the registered office in Bratislava, linked with the financial relations to the budget of the Ministry of Health.
The Public Health Authority is managed and its activity falls under the responsibility of the Chief Hygienist of the Slovak Republic who is also the director of the office. The chief hygienist is appointed and dismissed upon proposal of the Minister of Health of the Slovak Republic by the director of the office of the ministry.
The Public Health Authority is the supreme office for the regional public health authorities. It manages, controls and coordinates the execution of state administration carried out by regional public health offices. More details on competencies and activities of the Authority in the field of protection, promotion and development of public health are stated in the Act number 355/2007 Collection of Laws, paragraph 5.
In the year 2012 public health commemorated round jubilee – 60 years since adoption of the Act No. 4/1952 Coll. of Laws on hygienic and antiepidemic care when district and regional hygienic stations and bodies of hygienic service were established. During these 60 years they underwent many times transformation till nowadays public health authorities of the Slovak Republic.
In the sphere of protection, promotion and development of public health activities of public health authorities are focused on fulfilment of tasks coming from valid conceptions of individual fields as well as from the Act No. 355/2007 Coll. of Laws on protection, promotion and development of public health and on change and amendment of some acts in wording of later regulations and respective execution regulations.
Current modern public health in Slovakia is particularly focused on the topic of promotion and development of public health with the stress on improvement of health, prolonging and improving the quality of life of population through health promotion, diseases prevention and other forms of health intervention.
Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic is specialized institution, author of essential directions and priorities of state health policy in the field of public health and of development trends in the sphere of public health in the Slovak Republic which is in accordance with the EU trends. The authority is connected in its activities with European and WHO net for surveillance of infectious diseases and with international projects related to protection of health of European and global importance.
Chief Public Health Officer of the Slovak Republic is Ján Mikas, M.Sc., RNDr. MD, PhD.
Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic manages scientifically and methodically and coordinates activity of 36 regional public health authorities in the Slovak Republic.
36 regional public health authorities in the Slovak Republic.
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